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Leather Repair Company USA

Leather Repair Company USA

LRC Training Course In The USA


The Leather Repair Company are taking the USA by storm in 2022.


Launching a massive training programme to teach detailers all over the USA the art of leather repairs and restoration.

The Leather Repair Company kick start their massive American tour of 2022 with a visit to Florida at the end of January visiting the MTE show and joining in with all IDA  members and helping where possible.


Once MTE is over the training team are travelling north to Hastings Florida for the first training course of 2022 in the USA.


The training course is a massive hit already and sold out within a few weeks of going live at the end of 2021, trainees have invested in specialist kits from LRC ready for when the day to comes round.


It’s exciting times for LRC as we are in talks with several people about becoming distributors in the USA, strengthening our name even more stateside.


LRC have built a reputation around the world for the best leather care products known, with state-of-the-arttraining facilities and award-winning leather care products.


The two day course is a very hands-on course, all trainees will be working directly on leather seats, learning how to clean repair and colour seats. The two days are packed full of all types of learning and education about leather. Trainees will leave knowing how to repair leather and run a business within the leather repair industry.


LRC have invested heavily in 2021 in a brand-new look, new brochures, new packaging, we have even finally released our eco-friendly leather prep a fully water-based prep. Helping to protect our planet and helping to protect the health of technicians by giving them safer to use products.




To make sure you get onto one of our courses get in touch to book your class slot

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