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Leather Repair Company Expands In Florida

Leather Repair Company Expands In Florida

Interior repairs have been carried out around the world for many decades now, but not everyone knows leather can be repaired or even recoloured.

As well as leather, vinyl and hard plastics can be fixed, repaired and even the colour changed, not just on cars, but marine items, aviation, RV’s trucks, fashion items, shoes and furniture in and around the home and office.

Within the automotive industry classic cars is a large part of the repair and restoration sectors its something the Leather Repair Company are leading industry specialist in, with clients form all over the world.

In January 2022 the Leather Repair Company took a trip to Mobile Tech Expo in Florida this is the annual meeting for the IDA and a show for PDR and Detailers from around the USA and other parts of the world.

The show is always a great success for LRC, we first went back in 2020 and fell in love with the venue and the show, MTE offers a professional approach to detailing and brings together the leading experts in the industry.

Leather Repair Training Courses

While in the USA the Leather Repair Company ran a training course for technicians from all corners of the USA, people came from Texas and South Carolina to attend this very successful course for leather repairs, the course was attend by 5 people who all became Approved Leather Techs in the USA, it was a great course and on the back of this course we have many more lined up in the USA in April in Las Vegas and Kentucky In June.

Florida Distributor Opens

LRC USA Opens new USA location at Orlando Florida in conjunction with owners pride orlando was a very quick learner and wanted to know more about LRC the brand, and distributing the products in Florida, this is the first official approved training centre in the USA. The team has already got lined up more people for training and will be setting up regular dates to run the training courses shortly.

LRC USA has already got some of the LRC brand and will be adding more to the line up shortly.

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