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Market Leaders

This gives the public reassurance that the technicians they are using are training to the highest levels and carry out ongoing learning and training at regular intervals, to ensure they are kept up to industry standards, knowledge, and targets. Being market leaders LRC must set a precedence within our industry, so applications for accreditation are taken very seriously, the information supplied must be 100% accurate to the best of your knowledge, if any information is deemed to be false your application will be refused.

The Accreditation System

The accreditation system is the only one in the world for the leather industry, its aims and objectives are to bring standardisation to an industry that’s presently disjointed, giving the public 100% reassurance the people they are dealing with are true professionals in their field, that they can rely upon and in the event that things go wrong this is backed by an award-winning multinational global giant like LRC.

Under the accreditation system, LRC provides a conciliation service in the event a client isn’t happy with the services provided LRC can step in as an independent body/arbitrator to resolve these issues for the client and you the technician free of charge. LRC are so confident in its training we guarantee your repairs directly and will rectify any jobs free of charge that are disputed, no other company in our industry has that amount of confidence in its training to offer such guarantees.

100% Trusted

Repair Guarantee

Award Winning

Accreditation Benefits

Becoming an accredited technician has a great deal of benefits to it, not to mention the kudos of our brand and its reputations that span around the globe, with technicians in almost every country in the world. The support system we provide is the best in the profession giving technicians reassurance at all times that someone is with them every step of the way every day.

The Accreditation System

As a global leader, we never sit still, innovating our industry is something we are proud to be continuing to do, we are always looking for ways to improve our chemicals making them greener and better for you, the technicians to use, innovating with eco-friendly products is of paramount importance to us as a global company and something we feel we are bound to honour, to reduce our carbon footprint with innovative packaging, materials, chemicals and sustainably sourced materials. You are assured you are dealing with a brand that has the public, you and the technician at heart to protect and preserve our future.