Rover P6 Prize winning work!!!
This is work carried out at our Harrogate office see email below from a happy customer…
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From: Chris Sidle (email address removed for security)
Date: 23 July 2015 at 17:46
Subject: Rover P6 Interior
To: Leather Repair Company <*******>
At the beginning of May this year you undertook the refurbishment of the leather interior in my 1974 Rover 3500S classic car, and at the time I promised to send a few photos of the finished result. Unfortunately it has been a few weeks before I managed to collect suitable shots.
When you had finished work on the interior I reassembled it, and took the car to the Rover P6 Club northern rally at Bowes Museum two days later. It won first prize in its class (Series II Rover P6 models). Shortly afterwards it took second prize in another Rover club event, against stiffer competition. There is no doubt the refurbished interior contributed significantly to the results. I did take some photos at the time, but both occasions were very bright days, and as is often the case with car interior shots the surrounding buildings cast a lot of shadows and the car’s own bodywork and trim produced a lot of reflections. Whereas some of these results were great photos in their own right, they were not ideal in terms of showcasing the interior finish and workmanship to best effect, so I decided not to send these on.
Sometime later I attended an evening classic car show at Rufforth airfield, however, and although once again bright and sunny the car was parked in a field this time, away from large buildings, so was less affected by shadows. I was able to take the attached shots of the interior, which I hope are what you expected. I have reduced the size of the files to make them more manageable to email, but of course still have the original high resolution images (about 5MB each) if you would prefer.
The car looks so much better now that the interior is up to the standard of the rest of the bodywork and under bonnet finish, and continues to draw admiring comments. The finish is holding its quality, the only wear evident so far being a slight reduction in the satin sheen on the driver’s seat, which of course takes most of the hammer!
Thanks again for all your efforts, especially at such short notice. Outstanding service under less than ideal conditions, so much appreciated.
Best Regards
Chris Sidle