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How to Clean Your Car Interior Like a Pro

How to Clean Your Car Interior Like a Pro

For the consumer, it’s a constant challenge to understand vehicle interiors and the products to use and when. Every time, the consumer looks to carry out a vehicle detail, they spend hours and hours caring and loving the exterior in order to make the paint shiny, so they can stand back and say wow, that’s shiny paint. This is especially true if you’re a detailer.

The main problem they face is lack of understanding of chemicals and a lack of understanding of materials, which leads to interiors being badly damaged, leather seats ruined, fabrics with colour transfer and thousands of germs left to grow on the interior. Today, their easy option is just clean everything with APC, but of course, they know APC is bad for interiors, yet turn a blind eye without offering the client any form of education to understand things better, as they don’t understand it themselves. With people constantly saying my interior isn’t leather its plastic anyway, the problem will only get worse over time.

If only there was a different way to understand interior care, then people could be in a better position to educate the consumer more with factual information which would lead to more interior detailing jobs, better monthly incomes, and a better end of year financial profit. With there being thousands of detailers around the world, there is a clear opportunity to meaningfully impact on a huge number of consumers to understand interior care better and by showing them the benefits of a clean, germ-free, and protected interior.

Making resources more accessible for the consumer and detailing companies globally is our key purpose. We as a brand are always finding more ways we can educate you, to help your business grow, safeguarding your valuable interiors and avoiding damage. Giving detailers a better financial income with massively increased profits.

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